Hannah has been to her home ed classes at Titchfield (last Thursday). She did English, Art and Biology.
We had our friends from Journey Unique over for a visit on Monday, Hannah was so excited as she hadn't seen the girls for ages (although they do keep in touch via social media). It was lovely to catch up.
Hannah has been riding,
and has been to her home ed drama class at The Kings Theatre. The children are singing this term and did dance last term. She is really enjoying it, and loves the chance to work on the stage during some of the lessons.
There has also been swimming with daddy at the big indoor pool where he works, American Girl play (still keen to own this years doll of the year ), video making and diary keeping.
We also heard that we have been offered an allotment really close to our house - yaaay.
And the overall weather this week?? Wet!! Luckily Hannah's awesome new Spotty Otter arrived just in time for the storms.