Today Hannah's math curriculum took us to 'time'! We made a cardboard clock and Hannah practised telling the time in minutes. She has been able to tell the hours, half hours and quarter past / to for a while now, but hadn't quite got the 4.10, 4.35 etc concept yet so the clock was really helpful.

She also did a couple of sheets of 'Fact Families' which she was very entertained by!!

She completed 4 states in her USA workbook and found them on the big wall map,

and then practised her cursive writing book. She asked last week if she could learn cursive so i picked up a workbook to get us started - she seems to be really enjoying the challenge.

After lunch she played on her favourite website - ,

and this afternoon she did some reading :-)

No dance class today as she has been coughing after her cold, so we've had a very homey day !
OOh I'll have to show that website to S
I had forgotten about time - we did the main o clocks etc ages ago but mostly seem to be digital now. I'll have to dig out digital analogue bingo which I printed off sparklebox years ago before it had all that bad press.
lovely cursive script Hannah!!
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