Sunday 30 December 2012

Christmas Day

We have had a lovely Christmas !!

We had my mum visit us for a few days, and my dad, my sister and her partner Andi came for Christmas day. Hannah was awake until 4am waiting for Santa she was so excited, Dean cooked a lovely dinner and it all went really well!! We had some yummy food which was a gift from my friend Carole who wanted to do something to help after learning that Dean had lost his job. It was the best gift as we had some really lovely, special Christmas treats as well which really helped to make it a special day.

I didn't take many pictures as I was too busy enjoying myself, but here are the few I did take!

Santa's Been!

So many presents!

Even more presents!

My Dad

Hannah and my mum having Christmas hugs!

1 comment:

Sandra Ann said...

Really lovely pictures Susie, I bet Hannah's enthusiasm and love of life was infectious! We could learn a lot from our children, they truly know how to live in the moment; it's a darn sight harder when we grow up isn't it?!!

Love and prayers to you

San xxx