Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Home Education Trip To Marwell Zoo

We have just come home from a fantastic day at Marwell Zoo with all the local home ed groups. Hannah caught up with soooo many friends, saw amazing animals and had a fascinating workshop where she learnt all about the rainforest and it's inhabitants, why some of them are endangered, and what we can do to help. She was also able to touch a Stick insect, Cockroach, and Python. She  watched the penguines being fed, rode on a road train all around the zoo, saw a month old giraffe and had lots and lots of fun!!

Feeding Time

The Hannah's and Gabrielle 
In the Workshop
Stick Insect
Hannah L stroking the Python
The Python!
Reading all about conservation.
Playing in Nature
Hannah and Daddy
Three friends in the Australian section
Bathing Tiger
Watching the Leopard
Ummm, what's this animal???
Giraffe and her baby - only 1 month old.

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