Friday, 15 October 2010

Week 5 at Forest School

This week the children learned how to make charcoal sticks for drawing with and each drew a picture which was then sealed to bring home.
They made fircone bird feeders by heating lard over an open fire and stirring in bird seed, then covering a fircone with the mixture and leaving to set

And they went on a herb hunt as part of a storytelling session, and then added the herbs to a pot of water over the fire - the water was used to put out the fire at the end and it smelled wonderful.

I'm sure she did lots more than this, but this week she didn't need me around so much as her confidence has really grown in the group. Instead i sat myself a little apart from the happenings to allow her some space and missed some of the action - it was worth it though, she did really well :-)

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