Monday 23 April 2012

History Group Visit To Manor Farm

Manor Farm

 On Saturday afternoon we met the other girls from our history group at Manor Farm to explore Victorian and Second World War living.
The children were able to see how life would have been in the farm house, pumping water, doing laundry in the huge tubs with a dolly and stocking the larder with all kinds of preserved fruits and vegetables.

They were lucky enough to experience a Victorian schoolroom session, where they played with traditional playground toys (hoops and skipping ropes),

 before being called in to class with a hand bell.

 The teacher explained all the classroom rules and etiquette,

 inspected their hands for cleanliness,

 and set them some spellings to write out on a slate.

 After the lesson we explored further and found a Victorian bathroom and toilet outside in a wood and corrugated iron shed,

 a shepherds hut,

and then moved on to WW11 when we found an old air raid shelter. Hannah was surprised at how small it was inside for a whole family to shelter in.

 We had a lovely, very informative day and on the way home we saw this beautiful rainbow!


The Adventurer said...

Great trip we have done similar things more locally to us. I love seeing how others live. We are studying WWI right now:) Love the rainbow picture

Loving learning at Home said...

Sounds like you had a lot of fun. We are going to something similar this weekend but not nearly as in depth. Loved all of the great pictures.